Strategies for Detecting End-of-Life Software Assets

It is crucial for businesses to stay vigilant and manage their software assets effectively. One often overlooked aspect is identifying and handling end-of-life (EOL) assets. Let’s dive into the importance of discovering EOL assets in your software asset management practices and we’ll share some practical tips for effective asset lifecycle management.

Understanding the risks associated with EOL assets

End-of-life assets refer to software applications that have reached their expiration date, either due to vendor discontinuation, obsolescence, or strategic changes within an organization. Ignoring these assets can lead to various risks, including security vulnerabilities. Snow products collect vulnerability data from the National Vulnerability Database and provide reports on what vulnerabilities exist in your organization, their severity and where those vulnerabilities reside. The problem with EOL applications is these assets can no longer be updated and therefore, these assets hold even greater risks. Identifying EOL applications and removing these applications from your network is critical to prevent security incidents. However, many organizations have not implemented this preventative measure.

The challenges of discovering EOL assets

Discovering EOL assets can be a complex and daunting task, especially in organizations with a large number of software applications. Several challenges may arise, such as:

Strategies for discovering EOL assets

To build a strong software asset lifecycle management practice, here are a few strategies you can implement:

Discovering EOL assets is a critical step towards maintaining an optimized and secure software landscape. By proactively identifying and managing EOL assets, organizations can reduce security risks, optimize costs and ensure seamless operations. Having the strategies above in place can help you implement proactive asset lifecycle management to drive long-term success in your software asset management journey.

How Snow Software helps you discover end-of-life assets

Snow Software can help you scan your environment to reveal:

“With Snow, we gain real-time insight into our security risks, software consumption and asset inventory to help the Council make better strategic decisions in support of service delivery.”

Colin Lawrence, christchurch city council